Assertive And Strategic Representation With Integrity

Is Divorce the Right Answer?

For many families, deciding to get a divorce is one of the hardest choices they’ll have to make. In some cases where there’s infidelity, abuse, or addiction, the answer is more clear cut. But if you’re experiencing communication problems or incompatibility, how can you be sure divorce is the right solution? Can it be fixed through couples therapy, or should you choose an alternate path like legal separation? Divorce is an emotional experience for everyone involved, affecting relationships, finances, and almost every aspect of life. Suffice to say that it is not a decision that should be made lightly.

Can You Save Your Marriage?

If you and your spouse are on the brink of divorce, you may want to consider seeing a therapist. But how can you be sure it’s worth your time and energy? Psychologist Samantha Rodman says that if couples can focus on “even a small core of positivity,” it’s a good foundation for rebuilding their relationship. Ask yourself if you are willing to work out your problems and make the necessary changes to avoid future mistakes that are keeping your marriage in trouble.

Ending your marriage may be the right answer for you if:

  • There are patterns of abuse, substance abuse, or repeated infidelity
  • Neither spouse is willing to change
  • Neither spouse can forgive past transgressions
  • Neither spouse is willing to compromise
  • One spouse believes the marriage isn’t worth trying to save

Alternatives to Divorce

If you’ve concluded that your marriage is unsalvageable, the next step would be to dissolve it. Even then, divorce litigation isn’t the only option. Legal separation, mediation, and collaborative divorce are all viable solutions depending on your relationship.

Legal Separation

Under a legal separation, a couple will live apart, but they will continue to be married under the law. These contracts will still lay out terms, such as alimony, property division, and child-related issues, but you may live your life as a single person. The most significant caveat is that you can’t remarry.


Couples who want to maintain an amicable relationship and avoid going to court can opt for divorce mediation. This is when a neutral third-party can come in handy, as they can help spouses reach an agreement regarding the terms of their separation.

Collaborative Divorce

Contrary to popular belief, divorces don’t always end in a contentious battle. A collaborative divorce process resolves issues through negotiations and helps spouses avoid disputes.


At Benouis Law, we are committed to guiding our clients through the divorce process. Our Austin divorce attorney knows that this is a difficult transition for many, which is why we walk clients through each step of the divorce process – from issuing temporary orders and detailing options for resolution to finalizing the divorce and monitoring post-divorce situations, we are here for you.

Call Benouis Law today at 512-764-3932 to speak to an attorney today about your divorce.

