Using Mediation To End Your Marriage On Favorable Terms
Last updated on February 7, 2024
Not all family breakups need to end in acrimony. Many spouses recognize that they have grown apart and share a common view on the terms that will shape their post-divorce life. If you and your soon-to-be-ex are willing to work through your divorce together, mediation may be the best approach for your situation. If you hire Ms. Benouis and want to mediate part of your divorce settlement, she can help you find a suitable mediator to facilitate the process.
For over 30 years, attorney Catherine Benouis has provided skilled representation and compassionate counsel for clients struggling with family law matters. Ms. Benouis understands of the impact that this experience can have on you and your loved ones, and she aims to make this process as easy on you as possible.
In addition to representing clients in the mediation process as part of a legal case, Ms. Benouis is a trained mediator. She can be retained to be a mediator in a case through the recommendation of divorce attorneys representing their respective clients. As a mediator, Ms. Benouis seeks to facilitate agreed solutions that allow parties to end their marriage on favorable terms.
If you are an attorney interested in using Ms. Benouis as a meditator please call Benouis Law at 512-764-3932 or visit
How Does Mediation Work?
When parties engage in mediation, they partner with a neutral mediator to find acceptable solutions for different aspects of their divorce settlement. A mediator facilitates discussions, giving each spouse an opportunity to share concerns.
Parties can mediate a range of divorce disputes ranging from child custody conflicts to support order issues to property division disagreements.
What Are The Benefits?
Mediation is often required before parties go to court. Mediation offers a variety of benefits over litigation, in which spouses rely on a judge to intervene. You and your spouse may prefer this form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) over others because:
- Mediation puts you in control of the decision-making process. In litigation, a judge, who does not know you or your family’s circumstances, can set the terms of your custody, support and property agreement.
- Mediation allows you to keep your family affairs private. When you argue a case in court, the information shared becomes part of the public record. What is shared in mediation remains confidential, even if you choose to end mediation and litigate your dispute.
- Mediation encourages efficiency. Your schedule determines when your mediation sessions take place, not the court calendar. Litigating a dispute can take months or years, in part because parties have to work around the judge’s robust schedule.
- Mediation promotes cooperation. Litigation is an adversarial process, which can take toll on relationships. Mediation sessions work best when parties are respectful and cooperate with each other, which can help to ease the transition to the next stage in life.
Pursuing divorce can be overwhelming in the best of circumstances. Mediating your dispute may go a long way toward lessening your stress and caustic emotions. Mediation can be an efficient way to resolve family law disputes.
Considering Mediation? Learn More Today.
Discover whether this approach is right for your situation. Contact Benouis Law to speak with a board-certified family law specialist about your concerns. You can reach the Austin office online or by calling 512-764-3932.