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Tips for collaborative divorce

Many spouses want to divorce without the time, cost and potential rancor of litigation. If you fall into this category, you may want to consider the collaborative divorce process. During collaborative divorce, you will work with your spouse towards a mutually beneficial solution. The outcome of collaborative divorces are entirely private, unlike litigated divorces that remain in the public records.

If you want to give collaborative divorce a chance, make sure you are prepared to enter the negotiation room. Below, we offer some tips for success.

Responsibilities and rights

Discuss your responsibilities and rights during Texas divorce with your attorney. You should understand how property division, child custody, support, spousal support and related issues work before you walk into the negotiation room. This allows you to anticipate what a fair settlement should look like before you make any final decisions.

Emotional preparation

Negotiation is not a time to let your emotions rule. Instead, try to think logically about the points you need to decide. This can help you make decisions that will help you now and in the future. Keep in mind that this is a safe space where civility and respect are encouraged.

In collaborative divorce, nothing can be finalized without your express agreement. You and your spouse have the freedom to determine an outcome that makes sense for your unique family. Embrace the freedom that this process offers, and enter with a thoughtful plan for how you would like your divorce to proceed.

Facts matter

Do your homework before the divorce negotiation session. This is your time to dig into the facts of your situation. For example, know what assets and debts you have to divide before you walk in for those negotiations. The more information you have ahead of time, the better prepared you’ll be when you get in there.

Ultimately, you have to determine what aspects of your settlement are worth standing firm on and what you can let go. Your attorney can help you to determine what options are available so you can work toward a settlement that’s beneficial for you.

