Assertive And Strategic Representation With Integrity

Are there benefits to a collaborative divorce?

Traditionally, divorce has been viewed as a legal battle where one spouse arises as the winner. This perception has gradually started to change over the years, with former partners realizing that there are no winners in a highly contested divorce.

Consequently, collaborative law has become increasingly popular. The aim of this approach is to achieve an equitable outcome for both parties while still maintaining their legal rights. What are some of the main advantages of collaborative law?

The potential for less stress

As mentioned, highly contentious divorces can take their toll on all parties. Not only does this apply to the adults involved in the process, but also to children, when applicable. By seeing that you are still able to communicate effectively as parents and reach suitable solutions, your children can be somewhat comforted during what is a difficult time.

You retain some control

Litigation tends to be rigid, and you’ll have little say in terms of when hearings will take place. With collaborative law, you will have more control over when meetings are scheduled. This will result in less disruption in both your personal and professional life. Importantly, the collaborative process often allows for much more creative solutions than traditional court rulings.

Increased privacy

Court proceedings, including divorce, often become a matter of public record. This is something that you may want to avoid if you are a person of interest or there are sensitive reasons why your marriage didn’t work out. Collaborative law allows you to retain much of your privacy, as only those directly involved in the negotiations will have access to the relevant information.

Collaborative law is only one of the numerous approaches you can take in your divorce. Seeking legal guidance on the matter will help you make a more informed decision when considering your options.  


